Not assigned
photographer Christian Mantuano
August, 2013
Ferrovie Appulo Lucane join the South in the South. Climbing aboard one of the many trains that departs daily from Bari, along the single track, you proceed in the Murgia and then cross the vast countryside of Basilicata, often sparsely populated. It’s an almost surreal route in an ever-changing landscape for the area’s topography and the changing climate seasons . Trains, fueled by diesel, passing through many railway stations now disused and in a state of neglect. Often built many miles from towns, some stations were decommissioned during the 70’s because they were no more used after road network’s development. The network of FAL was built during the early years of the twentieth century with the initial purpose of linking Basilicata, Puglia and part of Calabria (extension ever made).